Student Organizations Information

Following is a list of all relevant information concerning the creation, maintenance, and growth of your organization.


Please use these tools as a reference for accessing the many resources available through the SOAR Office and UCSC.

Glossary for Organization Programming

A quick reference guide to some common questions. Along with some useful tips and information to help your Organization navigate the complex world of Student Initiated Programming.

Funding & Event Planning

Event Information and Tools: These are some of the helpful tools designed to streamline your organizations programs and improve your events' effectiveness.

Financial Timeline: This is the first step in planning your organizations transactions. How long can it take to get a PO? A charter bus perhaps?

Funding Sources: Registered Student Organizaitons may apply for funding from multiple sources around UCSC. Please reference the list of avilable funding sources and review the funding source guidelines to help fund your event.

List of Organizations

A list of organizations will be updated throughout Fall 2024 as student organizations register with SOMeCA. The last day to register as a student organization with SOMeCA is December 6, 2024 by 5:00 pm.

Engaging Education

Engaging Education is a Student-Initiated Outreach and Retention Center for student engagement and academic exellence.

Greek Letter Organizations

SOAR recognizes Greek Letter Organizations and Student-led governing councils for Greek Letter Organizations. Only those organizations registered in good standing with SOAR may participate/host campus events and recruitment.

Sustainability Organizations

Sustainability organizations facilitate greater collaboration between students, the administration, staff, faculty, and the community in relation to sustainability.